Nilo Bermeo Post WID Syllabus



Participation – Full participation marks will be given through active participation during class, completing all homework assignments (7), completing most in-class work (at least 7 assignments), completing most journal entries (at least 4), and completing all essays (3). Less active participation and less work submitted will result in the participation grade decreasing. (Percentage 10 %)

In-class Work – Part of becoming stronger writers is through continuous practice. For this reason, after learning new concepts and/or techniques in class, students will be given written work to do within the class period. These in-class work (low-stakes) assignments will tackle one or more components needed in ENG 102 writing and / or to help build understanding of certain concepts or techniques. There will be many of these assignments given (at least 10) throughout the semester and you will be required to complete and submit these assignments during the allotted time given in class. Each assignment will be worth 1 point. You may revise any assignment for a higher grade. (Percentage 10 %)

Journal Entries – In order to foster class discussions and practice critical thinking / engagement, from time to time, students will be required to answer a short question based on a reading they have done prior to coming to class. These journal entries will take between 10 to 15 minutes to complete and will be turned in before leaving class. These entries will not be graded for spelling or grammar. They will be graded more for how well the student engages with the text. There will be many of these assignments given (at least 5) throughout the semester and you will be required to complete and submit these assignments during the allotted time given in class. Each assignment will be worth between 1 – 2 points, depending on the length and complexity of the prompt. You WILL NOT be allowed to revise these works since they are more about simply showing you have read the text and are able to engage with it for a sustained period of time. (Percentage 10 %)

Homework – Part of learning new skills and knowledge is to apply them while working from home. This will allow you time to study and organize your work. Each homework will be a mid-stakes assignment that will tackle one or more components needed in building your essays (high-stakes assignments) and once completed, these assignments will be used in your essays. There will be a total of seven homework assignments. It is vital that you do the assigned work because all this will be used to further strengthen your writing skills, your understanding of specific terms, and develop your ideas for your high-stake assignments. Homeworks # 1 - 6 will be worth a max of 3 points each. Homework # 7 will be work a max of 2 points. Each day the assignment is late you will lose .5 points. No late homework will be accepted after one full week. You may revise any homework assignment for a higher grade as long as the assignment was submitted on time. (Percentage 20 %)

Essay # 1 – (Minimum 800 words) This paper will deal with how individuals are mistreated by society and how these individuals try to find happiness or satisfaction in their lives. What type of hardships do these individuals encounter and how do they overcome such obstacles? Each day the essay is late you will lose 1 point. No late essay will be accepted after one full week. You may revise this paper for a higher grade as long as the assignment was submitted on time. Full instructions are on a separate worksheet. (Percentage 15 %)

Research paper – (Minimum 1,800 words) This paper will focus on how characters that are branded the Other (or the Outsider) can influence or reflect real-world groups of people who are marginalized, and who likewise resist being oppressed. Each day the essay is late you will lose 1 point. No late essay will be accepted after one full week. You may revise this paper for a higher grade as long as the assignment was submitted on time. Percentage (25%)

Final Essay – (Minimum 650 words) This essay will focus on topics ranging from othering to individual and social constructs. Students will be given three short prompts to choose from and must write an essay responding to one of the prompts. This essay will be an in-class essay where you will be given 2 hours to complete it. You may revise this paper for a higher grade as long as the assignment was submitted on time. Percentage (10%)

Note – Failure to hand in any of the three required essays will result in an automatic F for that paper which will then be averaged into your overall grade.

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